A suMmaRy oF.....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

adaPtEd pHysicaL acTiviTy (APA) GTS406/3

haluuu olzZz.... =) this is my very 1st own blog...hehe...frankly, m not interested in blogging...but, i have to....since it's a requirement for my APA assignment..we were told by Mdm. Vina Tan Phei Sean, a very cheerful person who taught us on this subject to create a blog and to story-morry bout our feeling on wat we had learn...at 1st m a bit confused as y we have to learn all these??hmmm...tapi...ikut kan aje...benda dah ade hadap je la.....nak xnk kne gak kan...mane leh bantah2, x grad nnt...huhuh...but, i kno dat it will be a very useful for us to learn all these..there are interesting, memorable n of coz knowledgeable thingsss awaiting for us...soooo....mari kawan2 let us..................gempurr!!i like to move it, move it~~~i like to....

okayy~~firstly m going to tell u the purpose to study all these...According to Vina (2009), the objectives of this subject are:

  • To identify concepts and strategies to get special groups to participate in physical activity for health and wellness
  • To evaluate health and fitness for the special groups
  • Relate lifestyle to health and to apply theoretical knowledge to improve health status
  • To understand the varies physical, mental emotional, social and health concious of special groups in order to establish suitable ways for them to be physically active
p/s: mdm. vina, m not copying ur statement..juz to let others kno bout wat u r going to teach us...hehe...(acceptable heh??)

next, follows are wat is APA as according to my beloved lecturer, Mdm. Vina:

  • To service delivery, pedagogy, coaching and training.
  • Empowerment
  • Conduct by professional to enhance PA goal achievement
  • For individuals of all ages with movement limitations and/or societal restrictions
okay now...i got the rough idea on wat we are basically to run thru...


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