was 28th of january...our 2nd visit to YOKUK...
during this visit, we had prepared activity for the vocational grup. kali ni bertolak awal cket kul 8 by USM van, met with grup members in front of PSK foyer... mcm biase la... me n fawwaz yg amik brg kat lab..kali ni only 3 of us went there.. tj not following us with his own reasons....
upon the arrival, we met Ms. Fairuz just to report our usual, b4 the start of activity we had a warm-up and stretching session for about 15 minutes. we taught them on the proper way for warm-up and stretching, dis is basically to prevent from injury. there were about 10 of YOKUK members on dat day..
hmm..dat day, my grup planned a sukaneka...its not just to having a play, indeed we teach as well as to assess on their performance..we used the knowledge we got from the previous theory n practical class plus some activity. after setting up the place, we briefed them on how to play...follows are wat had happened during the day.
There a 4 stations:
- they need to jump with holding a ball (kepit kat kaki) to a marker. then, kick the ball into the goal.
- with one foot, hop 'zigzag'ly into the arranged zigzag hoops reaching the marker.
- slide with holding a ball. then roll the ball into a stand hoop.
- skip with holding 2 small skittles, bring the skittles to the markers, and arranged in pyramid shape (repeat 3 times). then, roll a ball to drop the skitlles (bowling)
we finished the games about 30 minutes. we noticed that they cannot do well during the jump, hop, slide and skip. so, we taught them on how to jump, hop, leap, skip, slide and gallop in a proper way. we managed to finished them in about 30 minutes.
we still have time... saje2 nk abiskan mase we did another game just for having fun. ktorg men bola beracun... passing around a ball dalam bulatan with a music..who holding the ball mase music stop, kena denda jwb simple Ques...who cant answer the Q, kna punish lg..kali ni gave them a choice on wat punishment diorg prefer either menyanyi, menari or wat ever they want to..we enjoyed very much...they are all very sporting...
okay...mase pulang sudah tibe...kul 12pm van USM pn smpi...kami diangkut pulang ke USM..penat but we enjoyed spending time with them...u ol shud go there n spend time with them..SYOK wooOOoo... =) hehehe... wish them enjoyed spending time with us...bye2 new friends...