A suMmaRy oF.....

Friday, January 29, 2010

2nt visit to YOKUK

again...it was 28th of january...our 2nd visit to YOKUK...

during this visit, we had prepared activity for the vocational grup. kali ni bertolak awal cket kul 8 by USM van, met with grup members in front of PSK foyer... mcm biase la... me n fawwaz yg amik brg kat lab..kali ni only 3 of us went there.. tj not following us with his own reasons....

upon the arrival, we met Ms. Fairuz just to report our visit..as usual, b4 the start of activity we had a warm-up and stretching session for about 15 minutes. we taught them on the proper way for warm-up and stretching, dis is basically to prevent from injury. there were about 10 of YOKUK members on dat day..

hmm..dat day, my grup planned a sukaneka...its not just to having a play, indeed we teach as well as to assess on their performance..we used the knowledge we got from the previous theory n practical class plus some activity. after setting up the place, we briefed them on how to play...follows are wat had happened during the day.

There a 4 stations:
  1. they need to jump with holding a ball (kepit kat kaki) to a marker. then, kick the ball into the goal.
  2. with one foot, hop 'zigzag'ly into the arranged zigzag hoops reaching the marker.
  3. slide with holding a ball. then roll the ball into a stand hoop.
  4. skip with holding 2 small skittles, bring the skittles to the markers, and arranged in pyramid shape (repeat 3 times). then, roll a ball to drop the skitlles (bowling)

we finished the games about 30 minutes. we noticed that they cannot do well during the jump, hop, slide and skip. so, we taught them on how to jump, hop, leap, skip, slide and gallop in a proper way. we managed to finished them in about 30 minutes.

we still have time... saje2 nk abiskan mase we did another game just for having fun. ktorg men bola beracun... passing around a ball dalam bulatan with a music..who holding the ball mase music stop, kena denda jwb simple Ques...who cant answer the Q, kna punish lg..kali ni gave them a choice on wat punishment diorg prefer either menyanyi, menari or wat ever they want to..we enjoyed very much...they are all very sporting...

okay...mase pulang sudah tibe...kul 12pm van USM pn smpi...kami diangkut pulang ke USM..penat but we enjoyed spending time with them...u ol shud go there n spend time with them..SYOK wooOOoo... =) hehehe... wish them enjoyed spending time with us...bye2 new friends...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1st APA Practical Class...

during the practical claz session we were taught by mdm. Vina on LOCOMOTOR SKILLS including jump, hop, leap, skip, slide and gallop. hmm..sounds like easy to perform..tapi after the assessment ada sum of my friends didnt do well..probably bcoz they don't kno wat exactly the movement is about..ok..here are a little description on wat we had done during the session:

we need to assess a friend on how he/she jump, hop, leap, skip, slide and gallop. dari situ kite tengok btol tak ape yg die wat in each of the phase (prepatory, flight, landing)..pastu cam biase la record on wat we assessed.

k..follows r the rough idea bout the movement:

  • jump - jump with two legs, and landing with two legs
  • hop - jump with one leg and landing with the same leg
  • leap - jump with one leg, and landing on the other leg
  • skip - walk-hop combined. alternate feet landing
  • gallop - walk-leap combined. same foot always leading
  • slide - walk-leap combined. identical to gallop but perform sideways

r u sure u can??? better try n check...selamat mencuba....hehe... =)

Friday, January 22, 2010

a visit to YOKUK


haitzzZ...new entry ere...hehe...=) i love to smile...okaihh..xyah ngarut...mari stret 2 da point...do u know wat is YOKUK stands 4?? it sounds like yakult..ermm..sedap nye air 2..(commission 4 me plzz 4 promoting the product) =p YOKUK is act stands for YAYASAN ORANG KURANG UPAYA KELANTAN or KELANTAN FOUNDATION FOR THE DISABLED. It is a charitable foundation established to alleviate the plight of the people with disabilities and to give them a meaningful life. k.. tempat ni terletak kt kelantan (of coz la..) kt Pengkalan Chepa kt sblh tmpt org blaja bwk kete n moto.. i used to lalu kt jalan 2 since 1st yer lg...sbb 2 jln ke 'Sate Malaysia', port ktorg melantak klu trase nk mkn sate..(sate kt c2 sdp la jgk...mule2 best tp dh slalu sgt muak plak..tp g je sbb ad org suke blanje me...) hehe.. k..dh tau tmpt mari la beramai2 ke sane..

hmm...we were assigned by our mem (mdm. Vina) to go there of coz to get an experience as well as to enjoy n share our moment wif the new special friends there..we were d 1st grup consist of 4 members including me, my beloved one (mohamad fawwaz jamal - suke nk mention =) ], n 2 other kosmet chew si jei (cj7) n tiruchelvam (tj). grup 1 malaysia ni.. (hny kosmet2 je yg tau betapa SYOK nye grup ni) urghhh...mule2 blur gak ape le nk wat kt sne...blh ke nk handle situation...cuak arr kn jd ist grup ni..cant imagine wat will happen....

they day has come...ktorg bertolak dr foyer PSK lam kul 9pg nek van USM...lmbt cket sbb sblm tu kul 7pg dh g sk. kubang kerian for my data collection 4 FYP.. huhu...agak tensi la sbb busy sangat....banyak bende had 2 settled down...huhuhuh....nsb baik la finished d data collection 0n time (thanks to my fellows who helped me..i rily 100x appreciate it..love u ol la..)... b4 the depature, mdm vina gave us a simple briefing on wat we need to do there..blur..blur..blur...sbb pnat sgt...tp i have to...

sesampai ke YOKUK kami disambut oleh ms. Fairuz, one of the occupational therapist volunteer there...the YOKUK members tengah wat aerobic dance.. x join pn sbb we hav our own aim for dat day which is to assess, get a rough idea, n berkenlan ngan d new special friends ..ok...jus like my blog's title "a summary of.." , im going to tell shortly bout wat we did there 4 d 1st visit.. Ms. Fairuz brought us around the place n showed us wat r d services and facilities provided there. there r 2 grups : vocational training and rehabilitation program.

Services and facilities for vocational training grup:
  • computer class
  • sewing class
  • electrical and electronics repair class
  • gardening class

Rehabilitation therapy grup:
  • horse riding therapy (for cerebral palsy)
  • occupational therapy room
  • snoozelen room (like dis room...feel relax in dis room)

okey...abis pusing2 n Q&A session, we had been introduced to the vocational grup...dat day ade dlm 10 org if m not mistaken n 6 practical students of occupational therapy from masterskill college. pastu tolong2 diorg gardening..bru nk develop garden mse 2...fuhh pnat gak gardening ni but its good for health...abes menolong ktorg pn try naik kuda...for the first time..best...tibe2 rse cm nk jd equestrienne sbb pok Li (d person in charge) offer blaja nek kuda.. finished photo session 4 horseback riding ktorg pn join the YOKUK members bersantai smbl mnm air sirap n mkn keropok smbl borak2 ngan new friends n the volunteers..mse yg d tunggu2 pn tibe..hehe..its time for us went back..dgn hepy nye kami pn plg bile van USM smpi...

even PENAT tp quite enjoy gak la...ok..next week we need to plan game session for the vocational grup..

bgmbr ngan kuda......

ade mcm pelumba pro x??


Thursday, January 21, 2010

adaPtEd pHysicaL acTiviTy (APA) GTS406/3

haluuu olzZz.... =) this is my very 1st own blog...hehe...frankly, m not interested in blogging...but, i have to....since it's a requirement for my APA assignment..we were told by Mdm. Vina Tan Phei Sean, a very cheerful person who taught us on this subject to create a blog and to story-morry bout our feeling on wat we had learn...at 1st m a bit confused as y we have to learn all these??hmmm...tapi...ikut kan aje...benda dah ade hadap je la.....nak xnk kne gak kan...mane leh bantah2, x grad nnt...huhuh...but, i kno dat it will be a very useful for us to learn all these..there are interesting, memorable n of coz knowledgeable thingsss awaiting for us...soooo....mari kawan2 let us..................gempurr!!i like to move it, move it~~~i like to....

okayy~~firstly m going to tell u the purpose to study all these...According to Vina (2009), the objectives of this subject are:

  • To identify concepts and strategies to get special groups to participate in physical activity for health and wellness
  • To evaluate health and fitness for the special groups
  • Relate lifestyle to health and to apply theoretical knowledge to improve health status
  • To understand the varies physical, mental emotional, social and health concious of special groups in order to establish suitable ways for them to be physically active
p/s: mdm. vina, m not copying ur statement..juz to let others kno bout wat u r going to teach us...hehe...(acceptable heh??)

next, follows are wat is APA as according to my beloved lecturer, Mdm. Vina:

  • To service delivery, pedagogy, coaching and training.
  • Empowerment
  • Conduct by professional to enhance PA goal achievement
  • For individuals of all ages with movement limitations and/or societal restrictions
okay now...i got the rough idea on wat we are basically to run thru...