A suMmaRy oF.....

Monday, March 15, 2010

For the Elderly....

Practical class kali ni Dr. Ooi plak yg handle... we were divided into 4 grups. each grup need to present an activity for the elderly (55 years)...

Firtsly, we warm up leads by Freddy...

the first grup (sue, leley, azah n tun) did on aerobic step dance... it was done with low intensity and sesuai utk org2 yg berumur.. this activity will be benefited to their cardiovascular systems as well as psychologically...

2nd grup (zira, julie, tiqah) did on Qi-Gong.. their grup exposed us a new type of activity that also may be benefitted to our health...

my grup was (me, fawwaz,cj) the 3rd presenting on strength training exercise for the old-old grup....we did on the several types of activity that involves the upper limb by using rice dumb-bell...instead of improving the strength of the elderly, it improves the circulation as the movement were close to heart.

the last grup (aidi, seli, fred) also presenting the strength trng for the elderly but younger than my grup (old-old grup)..

dr Ooi also showed us a type of tai-chi activity...

i hope that we can used all these knowledge to help the elderly in order to maintain their health.....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Games in deaf, blid and visual impaire

Practical kali ni agak seronok...having so much fun playing the games..

Firstly, we were told by Mdm. Vina to be blindfolded and walked in a line. upon the reaching to the end where Mdm was there, we were told to open the blindfold and hehehe tengok la betapa lurus/bengkok nye cara ktorg bjln...

second game, with blinfolded we were told to lepaskan bola ke bawah and catch it back. see weather we can catch back the ball in juz a bump....

next, we played with a ball with bell inside..in a
grup of 4 members also with blindfolded passing
the ball to friends. in line of 4, we need to catch the
ball by hearing the sounds of the bell.. the 4th
person in line kene mskkn bola inside a basket..
the grup which took mase plg singkat utk kumpul
6 biji bola dlm bakul considered to win the game..

the last game for blind we played was playing a goal ball. two team (boys team 3 person, girls 4) with blindfold. by hearing the sounds of the bell ball we need to catch and roll the bell ball across opponent's goal while the other team defend. we played the game with lying on our side and use our whole body parts to defend the ball...

games for the deaf......

we were given an earplug. kali ni men mcm mase zaman kanak2...ssn selipar n baling bg jatuh pastu team yg jatuhkan selipar kena try ssn balik while the other team kene defend selipar 2 dr disusun by the other team while baling bola kat the oponent.. sape kena bola dikira mati...quite difficult playing with very limited of sounds. we cant hear wat is evry one shout about..the message had not reached and miscommunication while playing...

i enjoyed very much..now i kno how difficult to be a blind or a deaf person.. thanks god for giving me
the senses....